Mayesh Design Starr 2013: Vote for Me!

Good morning friends!  Waking up today was like Christmas morning.  After fluttering my eyes open and stretching my arms out wide, I reached for the laptop and went to my email.  The Mayesh Design Starr Top Five Finalists have been announced…and I’m in!!


This is such a huge deal, its scary to put yourself out there like this, but I knew the risk is worth the reward.  I’m so excited to be in the top five and have a real shot at becoming the Mayesh Design Starr 2013!  The interview with Cindie went great last week, and ever since the brainstorming hasn’t stopped.  There is so much to talk about with you and I’m excited to start the conversation!

But first….

I need your vote!  The Design Starr is selected by voters, so please oh please support me! Here’s the link, select my name and submit your vote!

I’m Kim Starr Wise and I approve this message.

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